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Welcome to our Team Member Spotlight Series, in which we sit down with one team member a week in a rapid fire Q&A to find out a little bit about the people who make up Lucio Marketing Inc.

Meet Michelle Torres, an essential team member here at Lucio Marketing Inc. We are very excited to have Michelle on board our ever-growing team. Michelle graduated from Texas A&M University Kingsville with a Bachelors of Business Administration in Management. She came into the company eager to become an Account Manager. With the right training and motivation, Michelle became one of our top Account Managers in no time. Now Michelle has gone on numerous company trips, networked with other marketers from around the nation, has developed into a great leader, an outstanding Account Manager who is helping shape our business, and our featured Lucio Marketing Team Member this week in our Team Member Spotlight Series. Like all our Account Managers, the skill Michelle brings to the team is greatly appreciated.

Each segment we will feature one of our team members, find out what he/she does in Lucio Marketing , and how he/she works in Lucio Marketing while being part of our expanding team. As well as some fun facts!

Here is what we asked Michelle Torres…

Q: Job Title? 

A: Account Manager

Q: How long have you been with Lucio Marketing? 

A: I've been with the company for about 6 months. 

Q: What drives you? 

A:  The opportunity to provide for my family and myself with a better future. 

Q: What is your favorite part about working at Lucio Marketing? 

A: The team environment and how motivated we all are about the business.

Q: What makes you passionate about this business? 

A: The fact that I can provide someone the same chance that I have at a great career.

Q: What are your hobbies? 

A:  I like reading, working out, and watching movies.

Q: What's your favorite social media platform? 

A: Snapchat

Q: What is your creative outlet? 

A: Music, any mood can be fixed with a certain song.

Q: Where is your go to place to relax? 

A: The gym or a park.

Q: Where is your go to place to have fun? 

A: Dinner with friends.

Q: How has Lucio Marketing helped you grow? 

A: I was so scared of talking to people and very into my shell before coming into Lucio Marketing but now I walk with more confidence, I speak more, and I am able to communicate better with the people I train.  

Q: What is the environment like at Lucio Marketing? 

A: It’s very fun! We are all happy people and we all get along really well.

Q: What fun things have you done at Lucio Marketing? 

A: So many! Road trips, team nights, learning new things! As well as going on the company trip to the Dominican Republic.

Q: Describe one of your most memorable moments at Lucio Marketing. 

A: My whole trip to the Dominican Republic, I got to go to another country, and stopped on the way to New York. It was unbelievable!

Q: What kind of music do you like to listen to while you are in the training sessions? 

A: Up-beat music, like dance music.

Q: What's the best advice you've received that has helped you in this business? 

A: Work on being the best you that you can be.

Q: How has Lucio Marketing helped you with your personal success? 

A: Being so motivated to go out and work on my health with my weight loss journey as well as being able to believe I can do anything I set my mind to.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to join our business? 

A: If you have goals, we can help you accomplish them if you are willing to put the work in it.

Q: What's one tip you think everyone should know about this business? 

A: Come prepared to learn, the opportunity is here.

Q: Any additional information you would like to share?

A: Just super excited to get back on the road, new markets here we come!

This was our featured Team Member Spotlight Series this week. Thanks For Reading!

If you are interested in contacting us or you think you are a great fit to be part of Lucio Marketing team feel free to apply or contact us on our Contact tab on our home page.

If you want to find out more about Michelle Torres’s work or about Lucio Marketing and what we do, follow us on our social media channels.



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